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SupplementsThere is no doubt that you know a healthy diet and exercise are important to remaining in top shape. Regrettably, despite all your best intentions, you may not be eating or sufficiently absorbing all the essential nutrients you need. The key to great health lies in what you put into your body. Proper nutrition is at the core of feeling your best and enjoying optimal health. This is the main reason to turn to nutritional supplements, which are just that—a supplement to your, hopefully, already healthy diet.

Finding Quality Supplements

By adding an intentional, high quality supplement protocol to your health regimen, you can augment any nutritional holes that might currently exist in your healthy lifestyle. But remember, not all supplements are created equal. Various brands of supplements that you might find at most large retail stores are created more for profit and a long shelf life than for your best nutritional benefit.

At Detroit Enhancement Center, high-quality, physician-preferred supplements are the standard with your comprehensive treatment plan. Each brand has been carefully researched to ensure that the manufacturers chosen continue to maintain their integrity by delivering the highest quality products the industry has to offer.

Dr. Nina Rehman prescribes these carefully chosen pure, high-grade supplements from leaders in science-based nutritional manufacturing for her patients. Her selection of supplements are provided by leading manufacturers focused on delivering the highest-quality products to support good health and complement your wellness goals:

BodyLogicMD Supplements

BodyLogicMD offers five-star supplements made from the purest ingredients and carefully formulated to meet the high standards of the nation’s leading physicians. From time-released multivitamins with a broad nutrient profile to optimize function of your total body, to premium fish oil supplements to support your brain and heart health, BodyLogicMD Supplements deliver a wide selection of nutrients to maximize your health.


Metagenics was one of the first companies in the industry to achieve three independent certifications for Good Manufacturing Practices by world-leading authorities. The company devotes the time and personnel to verify ingredient safety and purity with quality-control steps at each phase of production. This allows them to deliver truly nutrigenomic (molecular-level nutrients) medical supplements that offer the highest degree of effectiveness and reliability in natural supplements. They focus on using plant-based extracts and derivatives that act as conductive nutrients, which work with specific proteins for healthy cell functioning.


The OrthoMolecular mission is to deliver effective products that produce the highest possible levels of patient wellness. From raw-material selection, all the way to the finished products, OrthoMolecular focuses on the goal of achieving greater efficacy. With over 25 years of successfully combining evidence-based formulations and superior raw ingredients to develop supplements that noticeably enhance patient health, they are proud to cultivate formulas that use the most well-researched and valuable ingredients. This purity is insured by use of the state-of-the-art, in-house laboratory to confirm the strength and composition of each item.

Benefits of Targeted Supplementation

If you have any concerns related to aging and vitality, or how best to support a healthy lifestyle, then a protocol of physician-preferred supplements is a jumpstart toward your goals. Dr. Rehman is a qualified expert in outlining a targeted supplement plan to ensure you achieve optimal wellness. Supplement treatments at Detroit Enhancement Center are designed to maximize your overall health and enhance your quality of life. By working with you on an individual level, a custom-made supplement plan is developed to meet your objectives and lifestyle. No more playing roulette with your supplement choices. Instead, schedule your first consultation with Dr. Rehman and get a plan that is designed for exactly what you need to achieve your health goals and experience true wellness today.

*The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. By using our site you agree to our terms. See our Full Disclaimer.

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*Results not typical. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare regimen. See our Full Disclaimer.
  • I have been a patient of Dr. Rehman's for three years. I was experiencing symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, unexplained weight gain, heat and cold intolerance, insomnia, lack of concentration, dry skin, low energy, low libido, but most of all severe mood disturbances and the feeling of dread when facing the day. I sought out advice from health care…Read More
  • Dr. Rehman is in one word AMAZING! I have told her time and time again I do not understand why there is not a line outside her office door. I was a 56 year old endurance athlete with brain fog and no zest forlife. The only thing I knew how to do was train and race. My home life was…Read More
  • I have been a patient of Dr. Rehman for some time. She is truly a great physician. I went to see Dr. Rehman because I had been taking synthetic hormones for about 5 years and I wanted healthier options such as bio-identical hormonereplacement therapy. Research suggests that hormones are not a "one size fits all" solution. I really liked her…Read More
  • I have been a patient of Dr. Rehman’s for three years. I wanted to sleep better, maintain my weight, have energy all day long and have a strong sex drive. It’s called “balanced hormones”. Call Dr. Rehman. By the way, I am now in my sixties. –L.K *Results not typical. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare…Read More


May 1, 2024

Understanding and Identifying Low or Unsteady Hormone Levels

Hormones are powerful chemical messengers in the body, important for regulating many bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, mood, and reproductive health. When hormone levels are off balance, either too low […]

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